Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Haunted By "Forgotten Laughter"

Been thinking a lot everyday about my proposed children living in poverty project "Forgotten Laughter". Why am I sitting here in security when I should be making those photographs?? Those children, that subject is so important. I need to get to Asia and start making pictures, those stories NEED to be told.

Even if it means giving up my job, I have a responsibility not only to the promise I made my father (twice) but to the subjects. Am not saying that he photos will make much of a difference, with my submission rejection rate the images will most likely lead to nothing. Still I have to try! I would rather try and fail then give up without trying like so many people have. If you try there is always a possibility it can lead to something good. My friend Larry and his wife Joanna have tried to help people in South East Asia for decades, and they have done just that HELPED THE PEOPLE (currently they are raising money for schools in earthquake ravaged Nepal).

Maybe my efforts lead no where but maybe they help raise awareness, maybe they educate people, heck they might even lead to spreading some love and compassion. If I can make a book, if I can get shows, it has to be a good thing, it has to be a worthy tribute to my father and it might even help the people I photograph, if not them then maybe their children or grand children.

Anyway back to the subject of this post "Haunting". I keep seeing the faces of Burmese children from the Mae Sot dump, the young boxers in the Muay Thai gym in Klong Toey slum and the children living in the slum I photographed in Poipet Cambodia. Those faces keep coming back to me, they stay with me all day, and when I wake up their back yet again. Heck sometimes I even dream of those people, those faces.

I got to get back to Asia, I got to try to make my photographs. I got to try to get a book published, I got to try to get the work shown and collected. Got to, got to, got to!!