Saturday, December 21, 2024

Why I Visit Thailand

I recently had an online friend question why I go to Thailand.

In a few words.” I go to Thailand to make social documentary photographs that help people.” 

My main photography project is called THE FAMILIES OF THE DUMP. Since my first dump visit in 2013, we have raised over $10000 CAD to directly help the families in the garbage.

Any print sales, exhibition fees and artist talk money I earn from the photos goes directly back to the families in the form of humanitarian aid. We (the donators, myself and friends in Thai) buy goods from the money raised, which I then hand directly to the people in need at the dump. We buy medicines, foods, toys, kids treats, headlamps, boots, rice, tools etc.

Many Canadian and American (1) friends have also donated money and goods after seeing the images. The money was used to buy goods in the local Mae Sot markets, which were handed out to the families. I have also given out many Canadian donated goods (that I carried to Thailand in my suitcases) directly to the family members, clothes, safety boots, hats, toys.

I hope to return to the dump and the families in 2025, to continue the work.

That is why I go to Thailand! 

 A group of children who followed me in the garbage dump. One is west a donated hat.
Man with donated safety boots. They were very heavy to bring from Canada. I bought 4 pairs I think. Probably too big for his feet. Hope he sold them for something he could use.
Young girl with donated toy. Here head is shaved because of a lice problem at the dump. When I gave her the 2nd hand doll donated by a young Canadian girl, she smiled so big then ran off to show her mom.
A young girl with her donated. When I took the doll back for a second to turn it around for this photo, the little girl had a momentary look of real sadness! She thought I was taking the doll back! After I returned it to her and she posed for this photo, she was all smiles again!