Monday, June 1, 2015

Aero-Liberator Camera By John Minnicks

I learned of this camera tonight, the Aero-liberator made by John Minnicks. The camera uses a Aero-Ektar 2.5 lens. I guess this lens was used on airplanes as a spy camera to photograph during WWII. What is super cool is that John puts them on a Graflex RB Super D body, so you have the beauty of a Graflex along with the 2.5 speed of a Aero-Ektar.

I doubt I will be able to afford such a wonderful camera on a security guards salary but I thought I would post the photos and links, simply because the Aero-liberator is so beautiful. Wouldn't be great to do portraits in the dump or the slum, at F2.5 onto 4x5 film! To tell those stories with this wonderful camera would really be something. Doubt it will happen thou, I will have to make do with the cameras I have.

Here are some links:

The photos below were made by John Minnicks.