Monday, June 8, 2015

The Bad Guy!! The Bad Guy??

It is not always easy tell who the bad guy is, sometimes we (I) jump to conclusions. The world is very grey not black and white like we sometimes think. We think we know who the bad guys are, but were quite often wrong.

Today after I got home from work I decided to have a little snack of onions and sausage. I had just started eating when I heard a loud chattering outside my open window. At first I ignored the noise but it got louder and louder, it sounded like 10 or more birds yelling at something. I had just let my cat out and sometimes when I do that the birds chatter away at her. This was different thou, this was much stronger, many more birds, much more noisy.

I went to my back door to check things out. There were 15 or so large black crows in the 2 large spruce trees I have at the back of my yard. There were also 3 magpies, and it looked to me like the 2 different species were fighting. I surmise the magpies had a nest in the trees and the crows were up to no good, what bad guys! The crows were much larger and outnumbered the magpies at least 5-1 it hardly seemed like a fair fight. I had things all figured out, bad guy crows.

So 45 minutes or so pass and the birds are still squawking away! Loud, very Loud! Those damn crows, why are the bothering the small nice magpies! My cat sort of looked on and watched from a safe distance a bit frightened but also curious.  Eventually, about an hour into the disturbance and I put on my bike gear to go for a ride. I got the bike out of the garage and headed to the back of the yard where the birds were. All of a sudden out of no where a large brown hawk of some kind flew out of the spruce, with the crows in quick pursuit, squawking and chasing it. I only saw the hawk for a few seconds but it was big, probably twice the size of the crows. I guess the hawk had been there all this time, and it only flew out when I approached and spooked it.

I had it all figured out, the crows were the bad guys, the magpies were the victims. Instead the hawk turned out to be the culprit. This is only a story about birds but it applies to many things, sometimes we (I) judge to quickly. Remember Gerry the world is very very grey! You may see the crows and jump to conclusions but there might also be something hiding in that spruce tree!

Anyway after that little adventure I did another 21.4 KMs in an 1 hour and 1 minute ride. Went to visit dad as usual, told him what had been happening. For the year so far I am over 300 KMs. It was a bit tough cycling, I had just gotten off my 7th 12 hour night shift. I did not have much in the legs today, but it was a good test, and a beautiful morning to ride. There is really something to being outside cycling in the fresh air on a nice warm day like today. It is a wonderfully enjoyable experience, you feel so alive. It certainly beats doing it in a gym and watching the sweaty guy next to you huff and puff.