My next trip Asia I plan on continuing to work on "Families of the Dump" as well as adding "Forgotten Laughter" into the mix. Some of the children living in poverty photographs for "Forgotten Laughter" will be shot in the dump as well. I have been thinking how I can use the Sputnik, what pics can I make with it? I want to use it as more than a gimmick camera. I need to use it as a tool that will help tell an important story.
What about this? What if I did 3 dimensional colour transparency photos of the living conditions at the dump. Instead of focusing on the people as I will with my b/w 2D cameras, why not do the 3D work of the housing, the garbage, dump landscapes. Looking at those subjects in colour 3D will pull the viewer right into that world. They will go from the clean pretty white walled gallery, to the smelly, hot, fly infested, stinking garbage dump.
I have a ton of old Agfachrome in my freezers, film I thought I might never use. I can take that outdated but still good (hopefully) stock and do something very constructive with it. I think the combination of harsh black and white fibre prints of people along with the living conditions colour 3D Holga viewer transparencies could be very strong. The enlarged contact sheet was a hit in my last show, maybe this idea can work for the next one. The idea is to get the viewer INVOLVED in your projects, to make them participate, this could do the trick.
Something else to think about.