Thursday, November 2, 2017

"Weird Moment Of The Day!"- Photo Star?

When I was at the temple tonight filming the festival, I also did a bit of work at the temple. As part of my filming I wanted to give thanks to the temple so I did a little prayer in front of 4 monk statues. I removed my shoes, waied the statues (placing your hands together as in praying, up near your nose), bowed to the statues, said a little prayer, then put some money in the donation box. After I had done this, a Burmese man there and an older monk both ran over to take my photo (the monk had a nice tablet). I posed for 4 or 5 pictures, kind of awkward for me, but it made them happy so why not, we even did 2 different set ups. Definitely a good story for "Weird moment of the day!"