Friday, November 10, 2017

Boy Only Wants A Head Lamp

A young boy asked me for a head lamp today, yet again. I think he has asked me 3 or 4 times now. I gave one to his father but not to him. I am having trouble finding these things. I have only bought 2 headlamps so far this trip (did 25-30 or so last trip). Went to 4 or 5 shops looking for more but could not find the darn things. I wanted to buy the type that uses AA batteries which are much easier to get.

Strange how things are. In Canada a boy his age asks for video games, sport gear etc, this young boy what does he want? He wants a flash light he can place on his head, that would allow him to work in a garbage dump all night, supporting his family. There is a profound sadness in that but also a real beauty.

My Kinda Social Documentary Website, Link To "Forgotten Laughter" Photos

This is the boy: