Thursday, November 16, 2017

Video: In Dump Shack Tonight With Drinkers

I knew there was drinking in the dump, had heard stories. This is the first time I got up close and personal with it. There were 7 or 8 people in the shack, I was invited in. It must be hard to not want to escape such an existence, such a life the these people have through drink. The groom was there tonight, hopefully he will not be pulled into this type of thing over and over again. He has 2 children and a loving wife to take care of. Maybe it was just a boys night out, a seldom type of escape.

It is always a bit dangerous being around drunk people, your never sure how the booze will affect them. It seems to affect everyone so differently. It is something I am always wary of, something I faced on a nightly basis when doing the sex worker series portraits.

I was offered some of the liquor ( a clear liquid in a plastic bag called, soti? not sure) but refused, said I did not drink, which I do not. I do not think I  have ever been drunk, never had a hangover, hopefully do not have liver problems also! Another benefit is I can use that booze of a lifetime money on my photography instead. I think my father used to be proud that I did not drink or smoke. I heard him tell friends many times, "He does not drink or smoke, like a priest!" He always said that with a smile on his face. I am not sure how proud my father was of me in other areas, but I knew he was happy I do not drink or smoke.

Note* Will get the man at the end of a video a proper ax of some kind to cut wood. Right in the last few seconds of the video, near the very end. I say "Mai Pen Rai" 3 or 4 time, which means "No problem!, Don't worry about it!). I said that because the very drunk man on the left asked me for the 5th or 6th time what time I was coming with the boots the next day. I had told told him all the other times he asked that I would come at 6pm. Eventually the man on the right got pissed at him for asking the same question over and over again.I was trying to diffuse things a bit. Some people when there drunk forget things.