Sunday, November 19, 2017

Never Stop Sweating

Gosh I never stop sweating here, every time I go out day or night I come back covered in sweat. Even tonight when I went out after dark (6pm) I still built up a thin layer of sweat over my whole body, and this is the winter season! Maybe after 6 months here I will stop sweating at night. I am tired of taking showers, shower after shower.

Imagine how it would be to live here all year round as all the people at the dump do without a/c. Imagine living near garbage with all the insects, wild dogs and unsanitary conditions. Imagine eating only low quality foods all your life, imagine going hungry. Imagine doing without so many things. Now imagine your so limited future, imagine your life never changing, then bringing your family up in that.

Imagine all of that. Stop whining Gerry! What's a little sweat between a/c sessions. Soon I will be in Japan eating wonderful foods, in Vietnam for new years, back in Canada living in a big house. Such are the privileges of where and to who I was born.