Thursday, November 2, 2017

Party Buddhist Style

The Buddhist religious festival (not sure what it was exactly, or what it was called) was quite interesting. I have been to Thai versions of this same thing 2 or 3 times through the years. This one was a bit different as most of the people at the event, probably over 100, were mostly Burmese. Some people spoke some Thai, some spoke a few words of English, but almost all spoke Burmese.

The event was divided into different areas, a large film screen showing a variety of movies, TV shows, dancing etc. There were many foods, and stalls selling so me t-shirts. Across the road the front of the temple was open with 4 Buddhist monk statues up front, people were praying at them.

Everyone was very friendly to me (the only white dude there), some of the boys joking about my size. Others very curious about my camera, little girls standing on stools to see what I was shooting etc. 8-10 or so people from the dump came up to talk to me (said hi etc) including the groom. It was a nice night out.