Saturday, March 4, 2017

Good "Art Gallery of Alberta" Visit

I went down to visit the AGA and renew my membership today and found to my surprise plenty of strong art. They still had the weird ass conceptional stuff, video of a woman piling up furniture etc, but they also had some work that had some power to it. Work people could understand and that had some emotional power.

On the main floor they had a photography exhibit called "Clocks for Seeing: Photography, Time and Motion" which I quite enjoyed. There was a set of in camera made 8x10 water landscapes on Ilfordchrome, a beautiful carbon print from 1868, a 360 degree pinhole camera cemetery shot and 3 Cartier-Bresson photographs that were very nice. I especially loved the Ilfordchrome in camera shots (8x10 camera). I have some frozen Ilfordchrome paper some ancient chemistry (still good?) and 3 8x10 cameras, so I could try that technique later this year if I wanted to. I have so much on the go right now, not sure it is possible, but who knows I might try it.

Upstairs in on the 3rd floor was a wonderful movie on the Inuit people of North Canada that was fascinating. They had it set up with multiple monitors and headphones. Found it very interesting. I guess the films are part of a 13 part series shot in 1995-95. I will try to find them online or at my local library, want to watch the series from beginning to end.

I bitched and shit on the Art Gallery of Alberta (AGA) big time a while back. I have to give them credit this time round. I really enjoyed my visit to the gallery this afternoon it was the highlight of a long busy day. They were installing a show with portraiture theme on the 2nd floor that I was told by one of the AGA staff will also include many photographs. I will go back in 2 weeks and check that out as well

Thanks AGA for doing a good job, keep it up please!