Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Poem: "Beer Bar Blues"

While I was painfully waiting 2 hours today as part of my security guard license renewal I read Allen Ginsberg poetry. I thought why not write a fun little poem myself. What subject? I remembered back to the Western sex tourist guys and sex pats (long time retired sex tourists living in Thai) and their experiences in the beer bars of Pattaya (Thailand's main red light district). In Pattaya I often saw guys in beer bars chasing girls, playing silly board type games and getting wasted in the afternoon, day after day after day. This poem is dedicated to them. It took me 5-10 minutes to put together this master work : )

Beer Bar Blues
Bargirls here and there
   What's the deal with the hair?

Get me a beer 
   My sweet little dear

Play a game?
   Oh but that's so lame

Wanna fuck!
   What?! You want a buck!

Noon and high
   Time to say goodbye

Beer bar Pattaya Thailand