Thursday, January 8, 2015

Dump Photos Done? Enough Printed??

I did a quick count of "Families of the Dump" pictures I have printed. I believe I have 15-16 different photographs, so probably enough for the show. I think I will show 14 horizontal photos in my room total, I can drop 1-2 images that are of lesser quality. The dad photos I am behind on and will have to start printing by saturday for sure. I thought I was only going to show 4 or 5 dad pics but yesterday found out I can show 7 maybe even 8 on the main floor. I only have 3 dad images made so far, not nearly enough. I might also have to do 1 more dump photo, not sure. Hanging 13 picks in the gallery space might look less crowded, so that is also an option.

There are still many dump negs I wish I could print but I think this will be enough, they should tell an adequate story about the life of the families. I am out of time and space to do more, maybe some time in the future I can have a major exhibition of this work and show like 50 20x24 size prints!! Wake up Alberta Gallery of Art, time to do your "GERRY YAUM" major retrospective, heck who cares about the AGA, I'll let MOMA in New York exhibit it!

Now I need to get back in the dark, I have another 12 prints soaking in water waiting for the secondary processing. I have to visit dad who is doing poorly today and the bank as well. Off to work!