Friday, February 2, 2018

Some Photos From A Difficult TOO TIRED Photo Night

A few photos from my difficult nights shooting.

from Facebook....

A tough day, I really did not want to go to the dump tonight. I had promised to bring rice thou to the grooms family. I couldn't bare the thought of them going without while I was laying on my fat ass in my a/c room. So I hauled the 3 of the 5 kilo rice bags down to the dump (my arm-side is sore now, strained it a bit) and handed them out to the grooms family and the 2 nearest family shacks. These shacks are in an area I call the dump swamp area (no power no water). Then I headed up to the main dump, handed out 6 headlamps, mama noodles , suckers and got requests for many more lamps, as well as boots. Am learning how to say SORRY (DAO BUH BAU DUH) and NO-more-HEADLAMPS-left (MEE GOH, MEH SHEE BAH BOO) in Burmese.
Here are a few shots from tonight, done later in the evening. I ended up staying just over 3 hours. I like the "Renaissance Painting" feel to these. The working families have a beauty to themselves, they do difficult, messy work with real grace. Will try to do more shots like these in the coming days, like the more epic feel in them. I see them in a gallery printed large, in brilliant color, inside white wooden frames.
I think I need to take a day off tomorrow, feel wasted, worn down. How do the families, the children, the older people keep at it night after night? The dump is so draining, so difficult. At the end of the night I got frightened by a rat that came out of the darkness across my headlight lit path. Got a photo of the sucker will post it later. The dump is filled with rats and cockroaches, you see them everywhere.

Dumpscape #10
Dumpscape #11
4 Workers
Graceful Workers
Graceful Workers #2
Graceful Workers #3