Thursday, February 15, 2018

Children Playing Games With Me

After the downer and negative time a few days back with the “coughing child” I had a sweet children moment tonight. One young 5 (?) year old girl was especially joyful (see photo). 

Tonight at one point 4 or 5 children played a game with me of their own invention. I was photographing them and they started to run away from me then round and round me, 360 degrees like. They laughed and kept running as I spun and chased them with the camera, they giggled and cried out louder and louder, and we all kept spinning and spinning, faster and faster.. All I heard was their screams of joy from the darkness as I tried to keep up with them. It was so much fun chasing their smiles with my Canon and flashlight. Eventually after several minutes of this I got dizzy and stopped. Then the children all hovered around me, clinging on to my shoulders and arms and we watched a video and still picture review of our fun, on my cameras LCD screen. Laughing started up all over again and went on for maybe 9-10 minutes.

So much young joy and happiness was invigorating. I feel refreshed and spiritually rebooted,. This is a good memory that I can use to counter balance the earlier bad one.

Note* I have seen this same little girl, carrying her even younger little brother on her back through out the dump. She is a very responsible and protective of him, an alternate mother. It was nice to see her laugh and smile tonight, that is the first time I have seen her like that, just having fun. I have some video of this spinning running stuff while she is carrying the little boy, will try to post it later.

Game playing with a 5 year old