Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Winnipeg Flash Photographic Festival Exhibition Space

Here is the location of the coming FLASH PHOTOGRAPHIC FESTIVAL exhibition in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 354 Portage Avenue. Looks like a nice, big, cool space.

The show will be called FAMILY AND SURVIVAL and will feature work from both THE FAMILIES OF THE DUMP and THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY. 
Note* The exhibition will also include some of the new work, that I am now making in Thailand.
Note** They pay a $500 Artist fee of $500 CAD. Will try to give as much as I can back to the people in the pictures, THE FAMILIES OF THE DUMP and THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY.
Note*** I will also have an opportunity to do a 45 minute PowerPoint Artist Talk about the people in the pictures. There will be 15 minutes for questions at the end of the talk.  Doubt that will be needed.

354 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada