Friday, March 11, 2022

Another FAMILIES Donation Buy, 3024 Baht

Had a good day with the families at the dump. Another 4 or 5 people recognized me , everyone very friendly, lots of smiles. Some Burmese smile with red teeth from years of eating betal nut. It creates a u inquest look of happiness.

Today two people asked for MEE GOH (headlamps) and 3 men asked for muscle balm medicine. I went to the Thai version of Costco tonight (Macro) to get a better price on supplies. Bought 7-5 kilo bags of rice, 40 cans of fish, 36 soap, 200 lollipops (so many children) , another box of Mama noodles, 6 jars of muscle balm, 20 inhalers (smelll tubes), 2 types of plastic bags (2 separate the rice and carry the bags on a motorbike.) and 10 energy drinks. Total cost 3024 baht.  

I plan to stay here for 7 days. Need to distribute all of these goods along with the hats, toys and clothes I brought from Canada.