Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Video Link: A Talk With Audoh Woo See

Today at the dump with the families. Spoke to these older ladies. They were grooming each other, looking for white hairs etc. The conversation goes like this (my comments are in capitals).

" I used to live over there. YOU LIVE HERE NOW? Yes I do. PEOPLE CANNOT WORK HERE NOW RIGHT? AFTER THE DUMP CLOSED. yes, HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN CLOSED, more than 20 (months?), NOT GOOD! now not have money, if work have money, YES I KNOW, 3 YEARS AGO I PHOTOGRAPHED PEOPLE INSIDE THE DUMP WORKING, NOW PEOPLE CANNOT WORK THERE, people not have money, NOT HAVE MONEY, (the other lady says) some of have money, some do not

Then she speaks of how old she is, I did not understand it all. HOW OLD ARE YOU?, how old? am 54, I AM 57 YEARS OLD, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Soo wee, (the other lady says) your 57? YES NOW 57 YEARS OLD, (Soo Wee asks the second) how old are you? (second says) 64. YES SHE SPOKE TO ME YESTERDAY 64 YEARS OLD, HER NAME HOCHI? yes hochi.....
Aunts, Woo See 54 and Hochi 64, in the homes next to the dump
Note* Audoh is the Bumese word for Aunt.