Thursday, March 17, 2022

New Photo Project Idea? Khon Gip Kaiyau

As I was driving around tonight in Mae Sot Thailand feeding dogs. I saw a man digging int he garbage with a headlight. He was loading anything of value onto his bicycle. In Thailand they call the people who do this KHON GIP KAIYAU (people who collect the street garbage). 

I was thinking that this might be a good subject to photograph not only in Bangkok but potentially all over Thailand. I. could make photographs that tell of these forgotten lives. And then use any money earned from the photographs to give back to the people in the photos, just like with THE FAMILIES OF THE DUMP and THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY PROJECTS. 

I would need to build up long term relationships with these workers in Bangkok or possibly multiple cities across Thailand. This project could potentially be more dangerous, as I would be working at night, and probably with a flash (drawing attention). Carrying around $5000 CAD of camera gear at night,  could potentially be an issue, especially when photographing and going into areas involving drug use.

Will think on it. Might try to find 1 or 2 people this trip to photograph, learn of their lives, becomes friends with. Then build on the project when I return to Thailand later. Not sure I have the camera gear now that will work well for night shooting. I did bring a small flash with me but am unsure if will work with the Canon or the Blad system.

As a look/style for the photos, I am thinking  flash at night, in tight with wide angle lens.

Potential photography project title, THE PEOPLE WHO COLLECT THE GARBAGE

The most important thing as always, is giving back to the people in the photographs. Telling their story in an honest non exploitative way, then giving back to them (donations, print sales money, artist fee money, talk fee money etc) and helping their lives become a bit easier.