Thursday, July 9, 2015

Now's My Time

On my first bike ride of the week (been lazy), I was thinking over the future of my photography. I feel now is my time. I am a better photographer than I was years ago, I have more experience more knowledge more time and more money now. This is my time.

Year s of practise and hard work have allowed me to improve my photographic skills. The help of people in my life like Rob, Larry, Jim etc have also helped me. Experiences I have had around the world whether it is drug use in West Oakland, sex workers in Thailand or refugees scavenging in dumps have taught me many things. Now that dad has gone that part of my life has passed. Because of my father I have more money now that I did before, now is my time.

This coming 7 weeks I will go all in followed by the 5 weeks in February, then next year or early in 2017 I will leave my job (if I cannot get a leave of absence) and pursue my photographs for 1 or 2 years straight.

I need to get the photos made, important meaningful photos. I need get this done while I have this small window of time left. Sometimes in life you need to take chances, you need to go for it, you cannot play it safe all the time.

I would rather live with the failure of not succeeding, compared to the regret of not trying.