Sunday, January 28, 2018

Exhausted And Swamped

Was swamped with requests for boots and headlamps today at the dump. Dozens and dozens of people asked me for headlamps or boots.. My head hurts and spins with all the asking, too much of it, it wears on you. I ended up handing out 5 pairs of boots and 12 headlamps, plus mama for the kids and suckers.

One older woman got mad at me for not having her head lamp 2 days in a row, others yelled back at her defending me, later on she spoke more softly to me. Desperate people struggling to get by sometimes have short fuses. I have noticed many Burmese ladies will talk loud to you once they get to know you. It is almost a strange type of affection. I guess this means I am part of the family now. They treat me like one of their own.

Too tired to type more, off to bed now.