Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Going Thru Thai Airport Security X-ray Machines

Thai X-ray security scanners are so much better to deal with, they are professional but also relaxed and friendly. Today (December 26th) I got them to hand check my film without much of a problem. After I went through the metal detector I heard the security lady worker say to her co-worker friend “Mee ginger-guy doo-eye” (it has scissors also) referring to the backpack that went thru ahead of mine. I was asked in English “Is this bag yours?” I answered in Thai ”mai chai, grah-bow khnog-Pom mai mee gung-guy” (no it is not, my bag has NO scissors). The security X-ray lady laughed and asked me “Tum-mai Khun pood Thai geng!? (Why do you speak Thai so well?) I told her “ about my a bit of my language history studying Thai in Canada.

Thai security at airports always seems more friendly, cordial than anywhere else I have visited. I think it helps when I launch immediately into Thai talk. It makes things flow better, helps the process. Maybe it is about, their culture, their religion, their general views on life I am not sure what it is but I would rather go through a Thai security check with my beloved film and cameras than through checks in any other country.