Monday, December 18, 2017

A Polite And Kind Email From A New Friend

Got an email from the man I photographed a few days ago. Japanese people are wonderful and polite. Here it is minus his name and personal links to protect his privacy. I am only posting this to show how good Japanese people are in their heart of hearts. I wrote b torn him it was OK,  he did not have to help me now in return, we all have bad days.

Note* ARIGATO GOZAIMASHITA! is the politest way in Japanese to say thank you.
Note ** The original blog story.

Dear Mr. Gerry Yaum

Hi, I'm a drunken at Tokyo station on last Saturday. I deeply appreciate
your kindness and help. The floor of the station was very cold, maybe it
is not as Edmonton and St. John's though:) But at the same time I began
to know the kindness of you, Canadian guys.

Now I am watching your web. I really like your photos. I would like to
help you, if possible. It's my turn.


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my old web