Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Super 4289B Food Buy

I did a super large food buy today. Did 12 bags of 5 kilo rice along with maybe 3 dozen cans of fish, soaps, noodles, beans etc. Had a hard time carrying it all into my hotel room. I took some photos will post them later. I spent 4289 baht and will deliver the first to bags tomorrow. I should have enough supplies for 12 donation bags. I am putting 3 hats per bag.

Already have an idea where the first bag will go tomorrow. A older lady who is shy (not trusting) about being photographed with 2 very young children. She seems to be the grand mother, not sure where the mom and dad are. I photographed the children today and promised the woman some rice tomorrow. I wonder what happened in her life, something terrible no doubt, she seems so damaged.