Sunday, November 16, 2014

Struggling Along

I feel like I am struggling along tonight int he darkroom. I am working on a bunch of 11x14 contacts for magazine #3. I am also selecting some prime negative strips to do up my 16x20 contact I plan on exhibiting in the show. I will then make up a 16x20 contact on RC paper. Am struggling a bit to stay motivated, this sort of thing is not as much fun as actually making a real fine art print. I should probably be doing fine exhibition printing instead of this contact stuff. I guess it is all necessary thou, step by step builds the show cathedral. I need the mags as part of the exhibition and I need the 16x20 show contact as well. When it comes to anything related to this exhibition it's me, myself and I doing it all. If I do not do it then nothing happens, no show, no stories told, nothing.

1) I shoot the photographs
2) I develop the film
3) I make the contacts
4) I print the fine art prints
5) I mat and frame the work
6) I shoot and edit my video sequence
7) I make up the 3 magazines
8) I finance everything from my security money

I need to work harder and put more hours in, I am running out of time, 2 months and 3 weeks to show time!! I am lucky to have a friend like Larry and his wife Joanna who are encouraging me down this path, sometimes thou its a lot to deal with it all, especially now with everyone so worried about dad. Well back into the dark!

Update* I should also give some credit to my online friend James A, thanks James. Your encouragement "Families of the Dump"over the last year has been helpful and inspiring.

2nd of 6 attempts to make a good looking 16x20 enlarged contact sheet for exhibition