I found this quite informative, if any of you out there want to do up unsharp masks, heres a quick "How To" by photographer Rob P.
Unsharp Masking
I have never done this technique but have seen positive results in print form, it definately has its uses. If you shoot the neg sharp in the first place it is not really necessary, but if you need it, its a great tool to have. This technique works best with large format negs. I am finding I sometimes like blur, non sharp grainy looks in some of my 35 and 120 work.
Unsharp Masking
I have never done this technique but have seen positive results in print form, it definately has its uses. If you shoot the neg sharp in the first place it is not really necessary, but if you need it, its a great tool to have. This technique works best with large format negs. I am finding I sometimes like blur, non sharp grainy looks in some of my 35 and 120 work.