Monday, March 1, 2021

Platinum-Palladium (Pt-Pd) Digital Negative Curve Improving, Version 4

Here is version 4. My red line work is very close to the ideal green line work of the program. I am not sure about the whites and blacks, as they are not as high as in the previous curves but  all the greys seem better. I might try to make another curve where I raise the whites a bit, and then do  more exposure to raise the blacks. Will that work not sure? With all the tech computer stuff to get the perfect digi neg, there is still room for FEEL in these things.

I will try this curve and the slightly different one I plan to make next week when I return to the darkroom to make some prints. That after all is all that matters, the final print. If this works out I will make some larger Platinum-Palladium prints for my upcoming shows in New Brunswick.

Corrected curve version #4