Thursday, October 26, 2017

More Hellos From Old Friends

As I was leaving the dump today, getting on my motorbike an old man who was a friend from  previous days said "MING -GAU-LAU-BAU" (hello) to me. He said it before I saw him. He then asked what I thought to mean "When did you return? I told him 5 before. 5 in Burmese is NAU. I did not know the word for days but I think he understood me. He nodded and smiled at my reply, then repeated what I had said. I am surprised how many people remember me from 1 year and 6 months ago. Its a good feeling to be remembered and greeted like this. Very rewarding. You get the feeling your doing something good, that your having a positive effect on the lives of others.

Note* Difficult to type just now, I am working on my bed, in my room, in the dark. Little bugs keep climbing all over the white screen, counting 6 right now. Insects are pretty hard to avoid in Asia. My room comes with spiders, mosquitoes (sometimes) and a variety of small flying and crawling things, no cockroaches thankfully. Guess I need to get used to them, they are here to stay.