Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Fred The Storyteller

I think the underlying connector needs to be Fred telling stories, sharing who he is, what he is doing, how he is doing it. Without him as narrator to this elaborate tale, then I think the doc loses focus, and spirals out of control.

We could go something like
Fred--dump work---fred---family time---fred---opposing viewpoint---fred----a childs storye

I think he is the force that will offer cohesion to the story.

I am not sure how much Fred wants to be the center of things, he sees the bigger picture and wants to include that but he also likes to be the boss, the man in charge. I think him being the dominant voice in the picture is most important. If not we could create nothing but chaos.

Note* Fred says he has a contact in at a film festival. Maybe the first step to getting the picture seen by a large audience. Then later we can post it for free on YouTube.