Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Packing Begins

Have started the long laborious packing for 6 months in Thai thingy. How do you pack for 6 months when you plan major photography, a documentary film and donation work. I  picked up my Visa today. Tomorrow I need to arrange my money, do a bunch of yard work at my home and my moms (changed a light bulb for her yesterday, showed her how to put gas in her truck), and continue the never ending packing.

Some questions I am trying to answer:
Do I take my 8x10 camera? or do I leave it at home? Which 35mm gear do I take, how many cameras and lens? How much film, 35mm. 8x10 do I take? Which film-making and which sound gear should I pack for the documentary? Flight info, passport photo copies, find the contact cards (hotels, friends etc). Even clear plastic bags to get the film through customs.

My head hurts!