Monday, March 2, 2015

Emailed My Alberta Open 2015 Submission

Got up today and made up my email submission to the Alberta Open in about 40 minutes. Next year I will use this same template and do it in 10 minutes. You got to love this email submission procedure, its fast and effective. In years past I have gotten photos into the Open via email and I also did my submission that way for my large one person Kaasa show (37 photos).  I wish more galleries would accept submissions this way, things are slowly changing bit by bit. I guess it comes down to juries and the like meeting to go over the work and having everything in paper and DVD form for them. Still its 2015 its a Internet and email world. Figure out how to do these digitally folks! It works for others why not for you! My thinking is if your images are good enough you do not need any added bells and whistles that you can include in a hard copy submission. If it works it works, if it doesn't it doesn't!!

Anyway the files have been sent off, if the pics are strong enough I will get in, if not, I will not. Simple! I ended up sending the 5 pics I found last night of dad in the previous blog. I hope I will have the honour of telling dads story with at least one photograph in the Alberta Open 2015. Documentary work is not really a big thing at the Open, if I do get something in, it will probably be the only documentary photograph. The added computer art categories will make it that much more difficult to be accepted. We will see how it goes, I hope I am allowed to show my father, to have him remembered.

Note* The open exhibition is shown at both the Edmonton and Calgary Jubilee Auditoriums.
Update* Sent out an email to my photo related friends asking them to submit work. I hope that we can get as many entries as possible. The more people that enter work, the higher the quality of the eventual show.