Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Rubylight Now On Big Trailer Window, And Trailer Extras

from Facebook....

I removed the tapped on red filter material From the large trailer window and put up a single sheet of rubyllith. To hold the rubylith over the window I am using two levels of magnet strip tape. One magnet strip taped to the wall, then the rubylith , then a second magnet strip all the way round to prevent light leaks.

I will add a removable dark cloth to the door and window later. Not sure the best way to this, maybe a combination of velcro and magnet tape or just velcro. Having both safe light and complete darkness will allow me to use the space as both a wet plate darkroom and as a regular darkroom. With the magnet set up I should also be able to remove everything and open both windows up to allow air flow.

Thank you to all those out there in Facebook land who helped me with this.

I also got a 5 gallon water cooler for $25 CAD and a cooler for free (found in the garbage). Both of these should be useful while making plates in the field.
Rubylith on big window
5 gallon water cooler $25
Free cooler found in garbage