Traveling from Thailand to Cambodia the first thing you notice is the increased poverty, the moment you cross the border there is a dramatic drop in the quality of the buildings, the roads, the way people dress etc.
In Bangkok I had to make a special trip across the city for 1 hour to photograph in Klong Toey slum. In Poipet the whole town is basically poor and slum like, you have a few nicer buildings, guesthouses and hotels but for the most part the entire town is impoverished, most of the town is a slumlike worse than anything I saw in Klong Toey.
Just like Klong Toey , maybe even more so, I found the people of Poipet extremely friendly and outgoing, they want to talk to you, say hello, smile and wave, they offer you a drink or a place to sit near them, they make you feel welcome.