I am starting to plan my next trip (and last for quite a while) to Thailand for March 2012. I will not have money to buy new film so have to use up all the film I have in my stand up garage freezer. I might shoot 8x10 this coming trip to continue the white background work
I have 150 sheets of Tri-x 8x10 (mostly outdated) and about 175 sheets of discontinued JandC 400 8x10 (outdated) I can use as well as 110 sheets of color Portra 8x10 (outdated),
I have about 400 or so sheets of 4x5 Tri-x as well. I might need to buy some more bulk 35mm to shoot thou as last trip I used up 5 bulk canisters, I do not think I have much of that film left.
I need to pay for the air ticket and use up all my old film stock, scrounging and hoping all the outdated film is still good.
This next trip, my third in about 7 months will be the most difficult to finance, going to have to cut as many corners as I can. When I return to Canada will probably have to take a second job and work harder to pay off my debt and hopefully eventually save some money to go back to Thailand/Cambodia to continue my photography projects.
One step at a time, I need to organize myself over the coming months to get the latest work developed and printed (want to give out free photos to those who I photographed) as well as print for the VAAA show in April and apply for grants and other shows.
First things first thou, I need to get over my jet lag, slept like 4 hours and then woke up early feeling bad. I am working 7, 12 hour nightshifts over the next week. Its tough bouncing between worlds like this, last week I was photographing slum children in Poipet Cambodia, and Ladyboys in Pattaya Thailand and this week I am working as a night guard shovelling snow in Canada! I can still see the faces of all those people in Asia, I still feel the emotions from those experiences, some of those moments those feelings are haunting my thoughts now. Its hard to switch channels back into security guard mode - Canadian mode, hard to start talking Christmas stuff and NHL hockey stuff again.
Extremely short of money right now, thank goodness I will get $750 from the Edmonton Arts Council for the "Common Lives Project" (Peoples Project) travel expenses. I think I can apply one more time for this project (believe the rules are a max 2 travel grants per project).
Maybe I will apply for a second travel grant for "Common Lives" (Peoples Project) in 2013.