Sunday, December 14, 2014

More Books

A few weeks back I bought 6 books of poetry from Amazon as well as another book of Anders Petersen's, they arrived today. I will be posting more of the poems I like in the coming months. I also got 2 books from the library on Auguste Rodin, one of them is a book of drawing and watercolours, this book contains many extremely graphic (for there time 1900s) nudes of women, these works could almost be called pornography. The other book deals with his formal sculptures the work he was known for. I will learn about Rodin's work and life in the next few months, I hope this new area of study will help my photography. I am also hopeful the poetry will open my mind to knew ways of looking at things, maybe leading  to more openness and creativity.

None of this self education will hurt me, like always extra effort and working hard to improve yourself is a win win. Plus it's all so fun and beautiful to read this stuff. Art of all kinds whether it's photographs, painting, music, sculpture or poetry takes you into new and exciting worlds. I love to be a passenger on the trips the artist pilots me to.