Thursday, May 16, 2019

Got To Love Mom

You got to love your parents. Gosh I was so lucky when I as born to my mom and dad. Both of them through the years have given their all, in love, in support, in teaching me to be a human being with values.

A bit of history. My mom is in a partial nursing home situation now. Mom showed the signs of an early form of dementia in April 2018. After much trial, error and many difficulties we managed to get mom into a geriatric hospital for 2 months where they figured out her meds, and gave her the treatment she needed. During that period we found mom a place to stay that would provide her with a nice clean renovated room, 3 cooked meals a day, activities (music, cards, bingo etc). With mom on her medications and in her new home, her life took a 100% turn for the better. She is so happy, talks all the time about how good she has it now etc.

So there is my mom in her new home for the last 6 months or so. I spoke to her earlier tonight about a wedding we were going to on Saturday. An hour later she called me back and asked "Do I have a $1000 in my bank account? I want to give it to you for your Thai trip." Now how beautiful is that? Gosh, my mom even when she is sick and nearing the end of her life is still worried about me (her 55 year old son) having enough money in Thailand. I am blessed to have such a loving mother. Dad was always there for me his whole life, I could always have faith in him, he was my savior more than once. Now with dad gone, mom is doubling her love and care.

This whole thing brought tears to my eyes. Life will be so empty when she has gone to join dad. Planning on doing a bunch of video interviews with mom on my return from Thai. I did a quite a few a while back, now I will do some more. Mom will probably lose her memories eventually, I want to record them before that happens.