Saturday, May 4, 2019

Bought Me A High End Loupe, A "Cabin 3X Magnifier Loupe PL-367"

Got this delivered to me at the guard shack tonight. Always wanted a top end loupe for looking at negs and slides, finally got one. The cost was $100 CAD (seller was asking $125 CAD). On eBay these things sell new for $249.95 USD plue $50 USD for shipping. Hope it works for me! It was good the Kijiji seller dropped it off for me, made things easier. Will take and use it in darkroom #2 I think, where I will organize a lifetime of negs soon.

Update* Thanks Rocco (a fellow 8x10 shooter) for the loupe.

Cabin 3X Magnifier Loupe PL-367