Saturday, May 4, 2019

Facebook: Discussion About Being In Thai And Printing

  • CJ- If those people had even a fraction of what we do, a roof, screens in the windows, opportunities, and all the other things we all take for granted.
    Even a simple thing, like a water faucet... an electric fan and lights that come on with the flick of a switch.

    • Gerry Yaum yes all very true Chris...the young boys have one beat up amp thing they probably dug out of the garbage, with one song that they use again and again for their dancing...a little goes a long way at the dump
  • Image may contain: one or more people, night and outdoor
    CJ- It must be strange for you, to have a foot in two worlds that are so far apart, in so many ways.

  • Gerry Yaum - CJ- is..often feel like I have, 2 lives, in 2 worlds, a THAI LIFE and a CANADIAN many connections in both places..probably done over 20 trips and 3-4 years in Thailand. Being in a different world, having a second life is so intoxicating. The best part of photography for me is the lives you share when your making your pictures. The people you meet, the things you learn from them. I find that part of the photographic process the most important and lasting. It might be be time with a sex worker friend leaning about their lives, or a family in a slum, or a child in a dump. All those lives you interact with as you make the pictures, it is all so special. Those people, those shared experiences teach you so many things."Ain't Photography Grand!!"


    GF- Beautiful print !!

    • Gerry Yaum eager to do this one up in a darkroom...a digital print will do for now...a cool thing with modern tech is you can play around with photo shop and a printer (experiment with different contrasts, burns and dodges)..then take the neg and try out the best of your digital experimentation but in a analogue darkroom making a silver gelatin print...bleaching/toning etc..