The young bride Mai (her name is longer than that in Burmese but its what I can remember) looked very beautiful today in her gold dress, and pink shall. She was made up with white thanaka paste on her face and sat shyly under the dump shack home she shared with her family (5 or more in this hut). Later on in the day I took a photo of her in the small hut next to the family Buddha shrine as she demurely kissed her grand father on the cheek. Such a shy beautiful girl, what will her future hold? She is married at 15, she will be starting a family in the next few years, will she continue to live illegally in Thailand? Will Burma find peace? Will she only have scavenging in the dump for an income? What about her children, what futures will they have? I guess all of those thoughts are for another day, today she was a special person, a beautiful young bride and on top of the world! I will remember the shy happy look in her eyes for a long time, a truly beautiful bride, good luck to you Mai.