Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Remembering Names

Sometimes have a hard time remembering the names of all the people I meet. How many this trip? 50? 100? When you can remember the nicknames of the people you photograph it always helps. Today when I met the drinking group and waied Khune Ot and Khune Dang and used their names, there were smiles of appreciation all around. The Khune part of the nickname is a polite way to address people Khune Gerry = Mr. Gerry.

I have to work harder at remembering peoples names and the stories they tell me, sometimes my mind just goes blank because I am usually multi tasking while talking to them, doing some kind of camera stuff and talking at the same time to keep them comfortable, so sometimes the name goes in one ear and out the other. I have to work on remembering what I am told and putting a face to the name later on when I meet that person again.