I feel I have gained by my friendships and relationships with other photographers and artists and others that I know.
Jock Sturges told me to use a reflector(s), now I do and see its value. I have started having people hold a reflector for me during the shoot (usually I ask some passing young person), the reflector makes all the difference, it can really liven up a portrait, filling in the shadows just the way you need them filled.
Before I left Edmonton a new friend Eleanor suggested I get the names of my subjects to make the work more human. Over the last 2 trips I have recorded the name or nickname plus the age and occupation of all the people I photograph. I think she was right it adds a bit of reality a bit of humanity to the portraits.
My friend Larry has helped me with his wonderful photographs, with his dedication, with his determination and hard work. My friend Rob has taught me countless things, I know much more about how film, cameras, the darkroom works because of Rob, he has also inspired me to be an individual and create my own personal work.
The people in the clubs I have belonged to have educated and helped me become a better photographer and hopefully a better person, seeing their work has also inspired me and driven me to work harder on my own things.
Because of the love and support of my family, I have been able to do things I could not otherwise have done. Things I take for granted others never even dream of, my family has given me those opportunities.
Anything we do is the result of the people who have directly influenced us. I owe many things to many people.