Sunday, March 17, 2019

Facebook Muslim Discussion

From a Facebook discussion

 I fear the muslims. They scare me. Can’t trust them. I believe in the progressive revelations. They execute people that don’t believe their religion

Gerry Yaum:
an over simplification..not all of anything is bad...just like there are some bad christians, there are of course some bad muslims of course. Religious extremists of all types kill, check out the crusades, Spanish Inquisition etc.) ...but to say you do not trust BILLIONS (in 2010 there were 1.5 billion Muslims world wide) of people because of their religion and that BILLIONS of muslims excucate people, is just plain wrong statement filled with religious of all types is the way to go..that is why I am against religion, nationalism, obsession of culture divides human beings, separates them, often makes the OTHER type an enemy (he is not my religion, he is not my country, he is not my race, he is not my culture)...LOVE ..that is the answer...regardless of all the other shit..look at everyone as a HUMAN BEING first..just like yourself...and go from there..we have so much in much more in common than our artificial differences.