Saturday, January 5, 2019

Darkroom #2 Starting To Look A Bit Like A Darkroom

Well I am continuing the work-build in darkroom #2.  4 of the first 5 nights of my week off work were spent painting, cleaning, building and washing in the new darkroom. Was painting cabinets earlier in the week, last night it was a lot of crawling around on hands and knees scraping, sweeping and washing the old damaged linoleum floor.

I set up my little island of 3 enlargers 2 nights ago. I used the same type table island build-design my dad used for cooking in this same room (a bit of a tribute to him). Also decided my 3rd sink will be a bit of island unit, assuming the plumber can rig it up. The idea behind the enlarger and sink islands is to allow more walk around room for students during workshops. I hope to get up to 3-5 students into the place. If they can stand on both sides of an enlarger or sink, all the better!

Here is a look

Sinks 1 and 2 of 3 darkroom sinks
Wider view
Island enlargers, condenser enlarger, Saunders LPL multi-grade head enlarger and Durst color head enlarger
My closet book shelf, of art and photo books
Yellow darkroom area, possibly for mixing of chemistry
Note* I am still working on the 2nd iron pipe sink support. I have a design in my mind now, it might work. Got to go buy more metal pipe pieces to lego manufacture this thing together.

Note** The yellow paint is basically holding together parts of the old double sink counter. This chip board counter top was initially part of my first real darkroom when I was 16 or so. Later on my father used it (when the second sink was installed) as part of his cooking kitchen. Now it is going to be used in a a darkroom again. Got to love the symmetry of that.