Sunday, January 27, 2019


Did my bi-weekly weighing tonight, am down to 233lbs, that is 3lbs down from my 2 weeks ago when I was 236. So that is 17lbs down from where I started in December at 250lbs.

Not a lot of weight loss, disappointed with that number but at least I am bit closer to my 225lb goal. On the plus side am doing 65 push ups 2 times a night during my work week, along with crunches, sit-ups, stairs and some stretching. I need to figure out some kind of other exercise. Going swimming? Getting an indoor exercise bike?

Hopefully my next 2 week weighing will be down more than 3 pounds and I can enter the 220s. When you lose weight it always gets tougher and tougher, as your body compensates. It is much easier to go from 250 to 240 than from 210 to 200. I am finding it difficult to go hungry at times. Trying to figure out the best and safest way to accomplish my goal. Probably a bit more food but much more exercise is required.