Saturday, April 9, 2016

Many, Many, Many Hellos! "Minga La Bah!"

My first day back with the families I was showered with "Ming Gau Lau Bau's" (Hello's). More than 10 different people maybe 15 said hello to me first. A few people who did not know me were afraid or stand offish, not smiling, heads turned away but the vast majority greated me warmly with a smile and sometimes a laugh. It was relaxing and good to be back with these families again.

One older man who's family I have photographed extensively ran up to me yelled out a hello, waied me (a sign of respect , you raise your hands together at face level) then as a bonus shook my hand vigorously. Through this whole procedure he laughed and smiled showing missing and red stained teeth. It was all rather remarkable as most Burmese people are rather subdued when greeting others in social situations. A memory I will take back with me to Canada when I am working my long security night shifts.