Sunday, November 1, 2015

40 Pounds!!!

Today a week after my arrival in Thai I finally got up the nerve to carry my 5x7 camera kit, a semi back breaking 40 pounds. I decided to carry the gear out from my Kong Toey hotel to the nearby location of Khun Oh and Khun Pon who are homeless and live under a freeway in partially allied rooms. As an added bonus to shooting this camera for the first time in the extreme heat and humidity of Bangkok I forgot my water bottle so had nothing to drink.

I had a few tech issues but overall I think the photos were OK. I am mostly worried about the long exposures for Khun Pon 1/2 to 2 seconds at. F5.6 with a 210mm, as he was sitting in a deep shadow. I used a reflector to add light ( which it did). Maybe I should have also made some exposures at 1/4 a second.

I am still learning available light portraits with large format cameras. This whole series of pics At the dump, my 400 sheets of Tri-X is a bit of a crap shoot. I so hope I can get this done right I owe the people living in the the dump and owe my father.his book. Can I get this done? Or will I fall flat on my face in failure?