Sunday, November 15, 2015

First Day In The Dump

Today was my first day back in the dump. Around 5 or 6 people knew me immediately and spoke to me in Thai or Burmese (which I do not understand). One of the men even indicated that I was MUCH bigger now, hmm not sure that is true!

It was interesting to see the different reactions from the various people through out the dump today.The ones who knew me from before were at ease with me, the knew folks (probably a majority) watched me a bit warily. They were probably thinking who is this (or who the f-ck!) big white guys with all the cameras?

I did not see anyone from Doo-Ayes family, did not see her sister the bride, did not see the groom or her dad, mom or little brother. They might have moved on, hopefully to a better life. I wish I could have spoke with them they were the family I had the closest relationship to back in 2013. Still it is better they have moved away from the ugliness of the dump.

There.were 2 large physical changes to the land around the dump. There is now a large tall fence built around the green lake. They are also building a large probably multi lane highway right next to the dump. The road is basically right on top of some of the dump shacks.
I was told by a Thai foreman the road would be very large and would also include a power line system of some kind into Burma then India.