Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Shooting Routine

Over the last 3 nights I have set up a disciplined shooting routine.

- Wake up at 515am, get up have some bread and jam, prepare for the day, water, apply sunscreen etc.
- 6 am Khun Noy arrives, carry all my gear plus two donation bags of food out to his truck.
- Around 615-620 arrive at the dump, start shooting.
- 10am as the light becomes harsh leave with Khun Noy back to Mae Sot, pay him 200baht for the day. He has also been giving me cold water and some of his homemade ice cream each day.
- back in the hotel room I wrash down. First my boots, then all my clothes. Pants, underwear, socks and long sleeved shirt.
- Prepare the next day's food donation bags.
- Have some more bread, start my blogs, emails, web talk, then have a nice 2-3 hour nap.
- Go out and have my big meal of the day at a local restaurant run by a fellow Canuck.
- Back to the room, finish blogs.
- Clean camera gear.
- Change out film holders.
- Read a bit, TV news, snack.
- 11pm to 12am go to bed.
- 515am get up and repeat day.

Note* I need to buy more rice tomorrow as I am out.