Thursday, June 26, 2014

Wow Another

I just got another workshop email, this next workshop might happen in August. I love teaching photography and making extra money that goes directly back into my photo work is great. I have to buy a bunch of Ilford rapid fix which is $40 or $45 a bottle, I can almost get 3 of these with the money  from this latest class (if it happens).

I need to make another attempt at possibly becoming a continuing education teacher with some of these same workshops. If I could teach larger classes then I could buy more film, more photo paper and get more folks shooting view cameras and working in darkrooms. So that would be a win win thingy.

You got to love digital photography, it has given me many new opportunities. First off because of the digital revolution I got all kinds of great camera and darkroom equipment free or on the cheap and now more and people are becoming interested in the older photographic processes, leading to more workshops. Got to love it!

Thanks Stu, Doug (Saskatoon) and Kelly (Calgary). Hopefully we can all have a great time together and the courses will help you develop into outstanding photographers.