Monday, November 25, 2013

Movie Thoughts

I have been thinking of ways I can shoot the documentary Raj leprosy movie if that ever happens. There was a doc I saw years ago, a best picture winner that used an interesting technique. In the documentary (Hearts and Minds) they had severely damaged (missing limbs, in wheelchairs etc) American Vietnam war vets interviewed  with a tight composition, only showing their faces. After you had gotten connected to the men, after you had heard their stories, after you felt some compassion and understanding with them the camera pulls and shows their horrific injuries, it is shocking and very effective. I was thinking why not try that with Raj, I could have a tighter composed head shot and have him speak of his life before the Leprosy, before the illnesses, I could have him talk of his love for his wife and children etc. then later pull back and show his devastated body. After the shock of that hits home I would have him speak of Leprosy and his mission in life. With this calculated technique his later stories would have double the impact.

I have a nice Hi8 video camera but I think I would need to buy a higher in digital HD video camera with changeable lens (to allow the use of wide angle lens).  How will I pay for that? Maybe apply for a grant and use some tax payer money in a very important way (telling the story of Raj and Leprosy).

Here are 2 links, to a trailer and the full film I mentioned, "Hearts and Minds"

Update: I just sent a grant question to a person I know at the Edmonton Arts Council, asking if any grants are possible for a project such as this documentary. Hopefully something will come of that, it is very important to tell Raj's story.